A Study of the Value of Green Building and Sustainable Practices in the Czech Republic. During the founding of the Czech Green Building Council in 2009, two of the fundamental issues that drove the formation of the counc… Více
- Vydavatel:
- Česká rada pro šetrné budovy, o.s.
- Formát:
- Floowie paper, 165 MB (110 stran)
- Publikováno:
- 14. 10. 2014
A Study of the Value of Green Building and Sustainable Practices in the Czech Republic. During the founding of the Czech Green Building Council in 2009, two of the fundamental issues that drove the formation of the council were the desire for more information about green building costs and for more clarification of the real commercial benefits of green building. In order to address these two critical issues the Green Value task group – a multidisciplinary panel of council members – was created to prepare a professional design study specific to the Czech Republic; which would quantify the differences in the up-front cost and both short and long-term values of new commercial green buildings relative to typical regional practices. A major hurdle for the implementation of sustainable development practices locally has been the lack of a reliable and comprehensive assessment of green buildings specifi cally addressing the Czech market. Our study aims to provide a reputable comparison of office building valuation between more sustainable ‘green’ building practice and typical Czech design and development practices, to guide developers in this interim period before more green projects are realized, and complete direct data can be compiled.
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